This winter season can cause problems for the health of children and the elderly, this winter season always brings with it some challenges and health hazards, especially for the elderly.
The cold season is a season of happiness, the mood of this happy season is a lot of festivals, holidays and many more things. This winter season can cause problems for the health of children and the elderly, this winter season always brings with it some challenges and health hazards, especially for the elderly. Due to changes in the environment, it becomes difficult for the elderly to follow a normal lifestyle.
Bowdy heats tend to lose heat more quickly at this age than when the elderly are young. Changes in the body comes with aging, which can make it more difficult for you to feel cold. Too much cold can turn into dangerous problems before the elderly person gets to know what is going on.
Why the risk of heart attack increases in cold weather
1. It has been revealed in studies that if you have had a heart attack before, you have heart disease or you are more than 65 years of age, then especially the cold weather can be dangerous.
2. Cold weather can increase the level of blood pressure and cholesterol - both of which are a risk factor for heart attack.
3. It can also cause clotting of the heart damaging blood.
3. As the temperature drops, your blood vessels become tight and blood circulation becomes faster to keep your body warm.
After an inspection of 274,000 people from Sweden, the study published in 'JAMA Cardiology' has revealed that when the temperature drops significantly, the risk of heart attack increases significantly.
Weak hearted people should be cautious especially in cold weather. They should exercise regularly, though they should make changes in its timing, that is, avoid getting too cold. According to the 'American Heart Association', cold can have an adverse effect on the elderly who have cardiovascular problems. Low temperatures and winds reduce body heat, blood vessels shrink, making it difficult for oxygen to reach the entire body.
The 'American Heart Association' suggests that the elderly should wear clothes in layers to keep the heat and provide insulation. Elderly people with a thin physique are at greater risk of cold-related cardiovascular problems, as they do not have enough fat to provide warmth and maintain blood circulation. It is good to know what should be kept in mind and what should be expected so that in this season you can stay healthy or keep an eye on the health of the elderly:
1. Keep yourself warm, avoid cold
2. The intake of salt and water should be reduced to avoid excessive sweating
3. Do not eat too much
4. Take alcohol in limited quantities
5. Do not overdo work
6. Monitor BP regularly and if it increases, it should be treated in the right way.
7. Avoiding infection is another important aspect and before the start of this season vaccine should be taken for influenza and pneumonia so that chest infection can be avoided.
8. If symptoms of infection are seen, treatment should be done immediately with antibiotics.
9. Take the medicines that have been prescribed.
10. Do not stop taking medicine even if you feel better
11. Tell the doctor who is undergoing treatment for any kind of side effect immediately.
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