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Juicy tomatoes will make you beautiful

Juicy tomatoes will make you beautiful

Tomatoes have an excess of lycopene due to which they remove skin problems and make them beautiful. Apart from this, they also reduce skin wrinkles.

Tomatoes have an excess of lycopene due to which they remove skin problems and make them beautiful. Apart from this, they also make the skin shiny, fair and reduce wrinkles. They also act as a good conditioner for your hair and make them soft and shiny.

Improve skin tone

Tomato is good for health and it can be used on the skin as well. Actually, this is true, if you take tomato juice daily or rub the tomato on your skin, then you will feel the skin in a few days.

Soften skin

If you want to make the skin soft, then make a paste by mixing tomato juice in honey. Apply the paste on the face and keep it for 15 minutes. Later wash with clean water. This will definitely give you soft and glowing skin.

Get rid of skin problems

Tomato seed oil removes many skin irritations. Tomatoes have many ingredients that reduce the effect of age and also fight free radicals. Tomato oil is effective for reducing psoriasis and eczema. It also cures waste skin.

Reduces pimples

Tomato contains vitamin C so it is effective in removing pimples. If you have a problem with pimples, peel the tomato and mash it and apply it to the pulp face and dry it. Then wash with water. Doing this for a few days will cause acne.

Cool the burnt skin

Many beauty experts believe that people who use at least 4-5 tablespoons of tomato paste in 3 months naturally get rid of burning sensation from the sun. If you have skin irritation from the sun, then you can also use tomato juice.

Hair cleanses the pores

To clean your pores, you can mix 3-4 drops of tomato juice in a table spoon of water and apply it with cotton. You have to massage your skin slowly with this mixture and keep it on the face for 10-15 minutes. If you do this daily, then the size of the pores of the skin will automatically decrease.

Removes dandruff

Most people have hair problem dandruff. Tomato is helpful in removing it. All you have to do is rub tomato pulp on your head and just see the effect.

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