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5 Tips: Learn why berries are beneficial for skin

5 Tips: Learn why berries are beneficial for skin

It is difficult to take care of the skin in summer. Everyone wants Bollywood actresses like our skin to be soft and shiny, but it becomes difficult in the daily busy lifestyle.

It is difficult to take care of the skin in summer. Everyone wants Bollywood actresses like our skin to be soft and shiny, but it becomes difficult in the daily busy lifestyle. Due to which our skin gets damaged, but there are some things that you can use to make your skin beautiful without any side effects. Everyone likes to eat berries. As much as it is beneficial for your health, it is also good for your skin. It gives you soft and shiny skin without any side effects. Let us tell you some benefits of berries for skin…

1. The berries naturally help to make the skin beautiful

Eating berries makes the skin beautiful, because the berries contain enough vitamin A and vitamin C. By which the skin-related problems are removed and the skin also becomes healthy.

2. Jamun helps in hydrating the skin

It is important to keep the skin hydrated in summer. Berries contain 85 percent water, so it is beneficial for keeping the skin hydrated.

3. Berries are best for glowing skin

The anti-oxidants present in the berries make the skin glow by cleansing all the spots from the skin. For this, make jamun kernels after drying them and make powder and apply it on the skin with gram flour and milk for 20 minutes. Use of this facepack makes the skin beautiful in a few days.

4. Berries are also beneficial for hair

Berries contain vitamin C, which is helpful in producing collagen. This anti-oxidant protects the hair from the bad effects of pollution and sun rays and keeps the hair beautiful.

5. Berries are perfect for oily skin

Berries have astringent properties which are perfect for making oily skin beautiful. For this, make a facepack by mixing the pulp of berries with amla juice and rose water. Use of this facepack stops the skin from becoming extra oil.

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